Organic Farming

More antibiotic-resistant E. coli found in conv...
The researchers suggest that antibiotic resistance is higher in conventional production because more antibiotics are used, while organic has the lowest occurrence because antibiotics are not used and organic livestock...
More antibiotic-resistant E. coli found in conv...
The researchers suggest that antibiotic resistance is higher in conventional production because more antibiotics are used, while organic has the lowest occurrence because antibiotics are not used and organic livestock...

Social and Economic Benefits of Organic Farming.
A new study published in the journal Science that shows increasing agricultural diversification simultaneously benefits both environmental and social outcomes, creating multiple win-win situations.
Social and Economic Benefits of Organic Farming.
A new study published in the journal Science that shows increasing agricultural diversification simultaneously benefits both environmental and social outcomes, creating multiple win-win situations.

Benefits of Organic Farming
A meta-analysis revealed that organic farms, on average, support more plant, insect, and animal species. For instance, a comprehensive study in Europe found that areas with intensive organic farming had 40%...
Benefits of Organic Farming
A meta-analysis revealed that organic farms, on average, support more plant, insect, and animal species. For instance, a comprehensive study in Europe found that areas with intensive organic farming had 40%...

Organically managed land contains beneficial so...
Plant diseases cause significant drops in crop quality and quantity every year globally, especially in areas with food and economic insecurities. While conventional farming practices use chemical fungicides, these synthetic...
Organically managed land contains beneficial so...
Plant diseases cause significant drops in crop quality and quantity every year globally, especially in areas with food and economic insecurities. While conventional farming practices use chemical fungicides, these synthetic...

Planting additional crops with strawberries ben...
One of the most effective ways to build robust pollinator communities is to increase the diversity of the vegetation in the landscape and on the farms. Practices that increase on-farm...
Planting additional crops with strawberries ben...
One of the most effective ways to build robust pollinator communities is to increase the diversity of the vegetation in the landscape and on the farms. Practices that increase on-farm...

Non-chemical pest management in organic coffee ...
Despite the use of chemical pesticides to combat the economically important coffee berry borer pest, a new study in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science finds that non-chemical pest control can...
Non-chemical pest management in organic coffee ...
Despite the use of chemical pesticides to combat the economically important coffee berry borer pest, a new study in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science finds that non-chemical pest control can...