Becoming healthy by eating chocolate?
If we want to change our behavior, radical approaches seldom work very well. But easy steps which are doable, can be used as a transition into a new lifestyle which is lasting. This is why the best way to bring more health into our diet, is to start with eating more of what you already like. Chocolate is a good example.
As a sweet, chocolate is a confection that contains saturated fat and processed sugar, two ingredients that are not healthy. But dark chocolate contains high amounts of cocoa solids, the core ingredient that does deliver a number of health benefits. A greater percentage of cacao along with less sugar and little dairy is what makes dark chocolate a healthier confection. Consuming dark chocolate has been found to lower risk of heart disease and diabetes, protect your DNA, and improve gut bacteria. Just drinking hot chocolate made with high concentrations of cocoa can increase your stem cells and improve blood flow. It can even switch cells in your immune system from a pro-inflammatory to an anti-inflammatory state.These facts of chocolate are based on solid scientific evidence.
If you like to dive deeper into the scientific background, just send us an email with the code chocolate and we will send you the related studies for free!
Dr. William Li is a specialist in molecular medicine and the author of the book Eat To Beat Disease. The health benefits of chocolate are just one of his surprising findings. This is a link to his book on Amazon. ( We are not related to Dr. Li or Amazon in any way, but we think everybody who likes to get, and stay healthy, just by the right food, should definitely read this book.)
Multiple times a day, we are making important food choices that can tip the odds in our favor for living longer and better without a dreaded chronic illness. With a bit of knowledge, it is super easy to incorporate more and more foods that offer health benefits into our daily life. In the following posts we will introduce some surprising foods with unbelievable health benefits and the way of Dr. Li how to “Eat To Beat Disease”.